Design affects human. It changes the view of life and the self-image. According to the opinion specialists, a good design is a space that matches with the lifestyle, habits and nature of the person.
Planning and Design
Our planning and Design team, which is formed from various background, will give complete and up-to-date services to clients.
Our Construction team will manage to construct and visualize the design,with the latest construction method and management system.
With tight schedule-and-quality oriented supervising, we can assure to deliver the project on time, with excellent quality.
The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.
Koko Aribowo
Wahyu Dwi A.
Muh Nur Sodik
Palal Mahmudi
Lisa Andhika Putri
Foma Candra
Puji Astuti

PT Triyasa Propertindo


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Get A Consultation With Our Skilled Designer
The stylish and organized interior represents the way to feel happy and complete. Design and comfort are primarily important for the success of a person’s life.